Tuesday, October 5, 2010

TTTC Seminar (thursday)

#1. Discuss the various things the men carried. (material, emotional, symbolic)
#2. O'Brian says "sometimes [the war] could almost get sweet." What does he mean by this? Give examples.
#3. Discuss the role of adolescence in war portrayed in the novel.
#4. What are O'Brian's rules for writing a true war story? Is he consistent with following them?
#5. TTTC is classified as fiction. If O'Brian's stories are said to be true, and from memory, how can this be?
#6. How do the men cope with war? how do they change?.
#7. In "Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong", discuss Mary Ann's transition.
#8. What does Tim say is the purpose of stories? Why is he obsessed with writing war stories?
#9. Discuss Tim's obsession with the man he killed. How is this event psychologically significant?
#10. Discuss the role of animal cruelty in the novel. What is O'Brain's intention?

1 comment:

  1. nice. Plenty of time for people to ready their responses.
