Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Final Blog

I believe that Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Isabel Allende use "magical realism" to create an alternative universe, due to the fact that religion is so strong in Latin American literature. Magic is acceptable because many Latin Americans believe that they can reach a sense of spiraturlaity through praying and magic. This then leads them to a better feeling of hope through prayer, and guide them through their hard times. For one of the main characters Clara she exsperences magic at first hand. "It was then that she began her first serious attempts to communicate with extraterrestrial beings... (Allende 210). Clara also exsprences later on in this page that magic is not always in her head, but in objects such as a three legged chair or pendulum. I believe that the authors add magical realism to their novels because magical realism can have a steady movement through a fiction novel that has so much religion involved. I also think that the authors add magical realism to make a point about how religion can open new doors and later on lead to a better decisions for some people. With magic the characters can exsprence warning before it happens for instance when Clara can sense the earthquake about to occur. Without magic in these novels, it would destory a sense of thought that a fiction novel should have, it keeps the reader thinking about what is gong to happen, and educates Latin American society.

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