Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Isabelle Allende and Gabriel Garcia Marquez create an alternate universe with magical realism as a means to casually foreshadow or foretell events in the plot and to maintain a steady plot structure. Clare in House of the Spirits is clairvoyant; numerous times through out the novel Clare will have premonitions enabling her to make proper decisions. One of the first times we see Clare's clairvoyancy is when she decides, after seeing her own destiny, to "marry without love". Also, once again Clare uses her clairvoyant ability to foresee, and announce the occurrence of an earthquake. Ferula setting a curse on Esteban, stating that he will shrivel and die alone like a dog, is also an example of magical elements casually happening unquestioningly. These three examples all use magical realism to foreshadow a later event or occurrence in the novel.
Chronicle of a Death foretold also use magically realistic elements which correlate with some sort of foreshadow, or premonition to a later occurrence. An example of this is Santiago Nasar's mother who is a dream reader. She first interprets Santiago's dream of timber trees, gentle drizzle, and bird shit not as anything to be worried about. Later she understands this dream to be an omen. Santiago later leaves his house after the dream dressed in his white satin which gives off the ghostly visage of an already dead man. This foreshadows Santiago's near death.

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