Monday, January 10, 2011

"Chronicle of a Death Foretold"- Estrella

The word 'chronicle' means a description of past events.  The word 'foretold' is the prediction or the known outcome of something.  With 'chronicle' you have the past, but with 'foretold' you have the future.  The two words do not agree with each other in the title. By the title incorporating 'death', as in a death has already occurred, you can not have a fortelling. You can have a chronicle though based off the events leading to or already happened to cause the death. You also can have a foretelling of a death, but not a 'chronicle of a death foretold.'  The two words, 'chronicle and foretold' do not agree with each other when the word 'death'  is the word in between.  I do agree though, that in order to have a future; "a foretelling", you need  a past; "a chronicle."

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