Monday, January 10, 2011

Chronicles of a death foretold

at first glance the title of the novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez almost makes sense. Its the story of death that occurred that was foretold. But on deeper analysis, when one starts to break down each words meaning, the title begins to contradict itself. this is done through the word choice. first of all the word chronicle entail a story that had already happened was a series of events, while the foretelling is meaning that it was already seen in the future. the most significant word in the contradiction of the title, however, is Death. Death in the context is singular, meaning in could not of had a chronicle. the title would almost make more sense with a different word ordering, such as the the chronicles of the foretelling of a death (less catchy, but gets the point across clearly). conclusively, the title of the novel suggests that the "death" has yet to occur...

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