Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Below are the questions we will take up during your graded Socratic Seminar Monday and Tuesday:

- Write your answers in notes.
- Have books marked in order to reference pages/passages that support your viewpoint.
- Review Socratic Seminar evaluation sheet to see how you're being assessed.

1. How does Rhys's narrative fit into the post-colonial mode? Think of specific examples.
2. Is there a purpose to Rhys's narrative or is it merely character assassination and fan-fiction? What is her intention in the writing of her novel?
3. How does each author's portrayal of the feminine condition differ? In which particular way?
4. In how many different ways can Antoinette be considered a tragic protagonist?
5. How are gender and empire paralleled in Wide Sargasso Sea?
6. In how many different ways does Rhys shift perspective? Whose perspective?
7. Does Religion play into the narratives of both novels? What about the respective authors' view of religion or morality?
8. What is 'Englishness'? How is it represented in each narrative? Is there a contrast?
9. What are the tensions present in Wide Sargasso Sea if read as a post-colonial text?
10. Is Antoinette actually insane? How could you argue either side?
11. What role does victimization play in both novels?
12. How do conceptions of class and status affect the fate of characters in both novels?

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